Regional and national Training |
Training Programs |
1. Management of water-environment oriented investment project.
The given course constitutes desk studies based on lectures (62.5 hours) and practical training sessions (15,5 hours). Subject matter of the course is oriented to project management in the sphere of water management and ecology.
All the themes are represented in the form of four modules:
The course is intended for a wide range of specialists who are already employed by the projects in process and for those planning to participate in the future projects. Studying this course will allow specialists to improve effectiveness of water-ecology projects management, teach them implementing projects in accordance with requirements of International Financing Institutions (IFI), train specialists (even without education in economics) for conducting financial analysis and assessments of suggested projects, provide them with a set of tools for developing independently Sealed Bidding documentation. The overall goal is to introduce knowledge to the audience on how to effectively manage water / environmental projects with a special emphasis on the real situation in the Aral Sea Basin.
Course duration - 2 weeks. The number of trainees is up to 20. Trainees are provided with training materials. Tuition is - 1,000.00 USD. Additional services such as meals and accomodation - 215 USD per 2 week (3 times meals, accomodation in private sector).
The Training Center has the opportunity to arrange courses devoted to various themes at convenient for interested parties time - for this purpose foreign and local experts specializing in the field of knowledge, which is of interest to you, will be invited. In this connection we would like to receive your proposals with regard to courses, which are of interest to you, specifying particular themes.
2. Procurement of goods and services
The given course constitutes desk studies based on lectures and practical training sessions. Subject matter of the course is oriented to project management in the sphere of water management and ecology. The program prepared together with World Bank instructors.
Contents of the course in brief are the following:
1. Invitation to tender
2. Instructions for Sealed Bidding participants
3. Information cards of competitive bids
4. General terms and conditions of a contract
5. Specific provisions of a contract
6. Application for goods and services
7. Technical specifications
8. Samples of forms (a Competitive Bids Form and a Prices Table; a Bid Bond Form; a Contract Form; a Performance Guarantee Form; a Form of Bank's Letter of Payment in Advance Guarantee; a Form of Manufacture's Power of Attorney).
9. Acceptability of goods, works and services provided within the framework of bank funded procurement
The course is intended for a wide range of specialists who are already employed by the projects in process and for those planning to participate in the future projects. This course will be of special importance for projects' Directors and personnel planning to implement it on the basis of procurement through sealed bidding.
This course might of great interest for private sector entrepreneurs engaged in commerce, manufacturing and construction activities.
Studying this course will allow specialists to improve effectiveness of projects management, teach them implementing projects in accordance with requirements of International Financing Institutions (IFI), train specialists (even without education in economics) for conducting financial analysis and assessments of suggested projects, provide them with a set of tools for independently developing Sealed Bidding documentation.
Course duration - 2 weeks. The number of trainees is up to 20. Trainees are provided with training materials. Tuition is - 785 USD. Additional services such as meals and accomodation - 215 USD per 2 week (3 times meals, accomodation in private sector).
3. Project Management
The given course constitutes desk studies based on lectures and practical training sessions. Subject matter of the course is oriented to project management in the sphere of water management and ecology. This course developed by Mount Royall College (Canada, Calgary) and aproved by Project Management Institute (USA)
Contents of the course in brief are the following:
1. The Project Management Framework
2. Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
3. Project Integration Management
4. Project Scope management
5. Project Time Management
6. Project Cost Management
7. Project Quality Management
8. Project Human Resource Management
9. Project Communications Management
10. Project Risk Management
11. Project Procurement Management
At present this course is most popular in the world. Professionals from various fields of activities favor it.
The objective of the course is to teach specialists to foresee and forecast critical situations and issues occurring in the process of project management, as well as to plan, organize and control the activities in the manner ensuring successful accomplishment of set targets.
The course is intended for a wide range of specialists who are already employed by the projects in process and for those planning to participate in the future projects. This course might of great interest for private sector entrepreneurs engaged in various businesses.
Course duration - 2 weeks. The number of trainees is up to 20. Trainees are provided with training materials. Tuition is - 785 USD.
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