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Welcome to Water Uzbeksitan |
Of all the places of tourists' interest in the former Soviet Union, Uzbekistan can rate as the most exotic. The very names of Tashkent, Samarkand, Shakhrisabs, Bukhara and Khiva evoke the strongest of associations - legend, myth and fable intertwine with stories of trade in silk, spices, precious stones, minerals and ceramics on the Great Silk Road for more than 25 centuries.
The history of Central Asia has witnessed a lot of upheavals during the times of Alexander The Great (Makedonsky), the Arabic Conquest, the Genghis-Khan Conquest, and lastly the Tamerlane's. Its architectural splendor is the simplicity and monumentality of medieval architectural forms, the delicacy of woodcarvings and skilled interweaving of ornamentation, the silhouettes of towering minarets. Central Asia stirs the imagination of every intrepid explorer.
Water has always played a very important role in the region. A folk proverb in Uzbekistan says: "Where there is water, there is life." And indeed, where there is water there are flourishing oases, growing towns, developing agriculture and industry. Irrigation in the region has the history of several millenniums, and at the moment there is a highly developed water management system satisfying the water needs of almost 25 million people living in Uzbekistan.
Unfortunately, during the last decades unreasonable use of water resources and expansion of irrigation in Central Asia has caused the well-known ecological problem of the Aral Sea desiccation. At the moment all the efforts of the regional and international society are aimed at solving this problem to combine the water needs for people and food with satisfaction of water requirements of nature and primarily the Aral Sea coast.
We would like to invite you to our region, as both its water management system and historical sights are worth seeing. We will show you the developed irrigation and drainage systems which turned the dry deserts into flourishing oases; the largest unique reservoirs and hydrostructures such as Charvak, Tuyamuyun and others; inform you of the ways the water resources of the largest rivers of the region - Syr Darya and Amu Darya - are managed. You will be able to meet with high water management officials of Uzbekistan and learn of the activities aimed at solving the Aral Sea Basin problem which are being carried out in the region.
Along with the water management program, you will have the opportunity to visit the most famous historical places and monuments of Uzbekistan located in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabs and others. You will see the diversity of our nature: the beauty of mountain ridges and lakes, deserts, floods of Arnasai, Syr Darya and Amu Darya, steppes of Ferghana and Surkhandarya.
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