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In July, 2001 ICWC Training Centre has been visited by a number of VIP persons.
On June 29, 2001 the Ambassador of the United Kingdom and The Third Secretary of the Embassy Kris Khirst, visited the ICWC Training Center. During their visit they were showed presentations about our present activities and future plans. The visitors were interested to know that ICWC Training Center is developing relations with Great Britain and planning to arrange the 2001 Aral Sea Basin Professional Seminar in cooperation with Dundee University, Scotland, UK.

On July 5, 2001 our partners from Canadian Embassy in Kazakhstan Najeeb Mirza, First Secretary of Canadian Embassy; and Representatives of CIDA Jean Couturier, Country Program Manager and Catherine Berard, CIDA Program Officer got acquainted with materials of the Training Center workshops and commercial courses planned for near future. Being representatives of the main financing body of ICWC Training Center (CIDA), the visitors were satisfied with the work done and called the project, the largest project of CIDA in the region.
His Excellency Ambassador of Germany Republic visited ICWC Training Center on July 12, 2001; Mr. Pulat Umarov, Director of the ICWC Training Centre, told him about our monthly workshops and trainees, about the topics presented in lectures, current and future activities of the Center. The Ambassador showed great interest and promised to come back in the near future.