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Acquaintance with the project of a complex of the Aral Sea Basin Management models workshop (September 23-24, 2002) |
The Aral Sea Basin consists of the Large and Small Aral Sea, the Delta areas Priarilaye and the river basins Amur Darya and Syr Darya. The Aral Sea Basin Management Model (ASB-MM) incorporates hydrological and socio-economic modules developed by experts from the region. It demonstrates the complexity of decision making in Central Asia.
The Cd which is included in this leaflet contains two versions of the Aral Sea Basin Management Model, for two different objectives.
- The "ASB-MM" serves to enhance the awareness among a wide public (students, scholars) on the problems that face the Aral Sea Basin and the solutions that are possible. The model is able to assess the consequences of population growth, economical change and climate change in combination with region wide implementation of certain measures. Both an English and Russian version are available.
- The "ASB-MM-expert" serves to enhance the awareness of policy makers on what types of policies could be implemented and what their consequences would be. The model is able to distinguish different measures and population and economic growth scenarios for different countries and leaves maximum freedom in developing scenarios and strategies.
The model description is available through the "ASB-MM expert" help button and is included as a Word document on the Cdrom.
The prototype version of the Aral Sea Basin Management Model was commissioned by the UNDP. The IFAS GEF Agency, through its WEMP program, sponsored this version of the model and the development of "ASB-MM-expert".