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Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia February 11-15, 2003, Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
Opening of the Workshop.
In the opening session of the workshop participated and addressed the participants on the issues relevant to the theme of the Workshop - Abdurakhim Djalalov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan / Head of Water Management Department, Ahmet Erozan, Head of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - Center in Tashkent, Linda Cloutier - First secretary of Canadian International Development Agency in Central Asia, Canadian Embassy in Almaty, of Prof. Victor Dukhovny, the Director of SIC ICWC.
The main objectives of the workshop on "Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia" were:
Acquaint participants with present problems of water resources management in Central Asia and the World;
Acquaint participants with up-to-date advanced technologies in the management of water resources and arrange round table discussions for representatives to discuss openly the critical problems related to water resources management in Central Asian;
Development of recommendations and guidelines at some degree to ease the present tension between water users;
Development and improvement of contacts among representatives of all the states of the region;
Exchange of views and experiences in the field of water resources management;
Mutual understanding of problems related to one country by his neighboring countries.