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Integrated Water Resources Management Workshop 2 - December 11-20, 2000 |
The second workshop "Integrated Water Resources Management" took place at the ICWC Training Centre, which is located at the Central Office of the BWO "Syrdarya".
The opening of the workshop was held on Monday, December 11, 2000; this was then followed by 10 days of workshop activities. The closing of the workshop was held on Wednesday, December 20, 2000; each of the workshop participants received a certificate of training at this time.
Workshop was aimed to train the middle level workers of the water resources departments of the Central Asian Republics on "Integrated water resources management". The workshop participants included representatives from each of the five Central Asian Republics, together with members of the SIC ICWC.
During the workshop opening ceremony included speeches delivered by officials including: Prof. V.Dukhovny, SIC ICWC Director, Mr. T. Altyev (Executive Director of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea), Mr. Joseph O'Neal (Counselor, minister-retired of US State Department), Mr. A. A. Djalalov (First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan), and Mr. R. A. Giniyatullin (Head of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Project in Central Asia).
Workshop Activities
Mr. T. T. Sarsembekov of Kazakhstan, Mr. U. B. Saparov of Turkmenistan and Mr. A. A. Djalalov of Uzbekistan played the roles of workshop moderators.
Since the second day and following four days, participants were trained the basics of Windows and Microsoft Office Applications such as Word, Excel, and Power Point. In addition, at the very beginning of the courses they were acquainted with the basics of computers, computer world and information technology. Moderator Ms. Larisa Tiy with assistance of employees of the SIC ICWC and the Training Centre delivered these courses.
During the workshop the presentations of the ICWC Training Center and participants themselves were made and the following topics were covered:
- Topic I - The Legal and Administrative Setting for the Use of Water Resources, Mendoza, Argentina; presented by Mr. Guy le Moigne
- Topic II - Performance Assessment of Irrigation And Drainage, presented by Mr. Rien Bos
- Topic III - Group Discussions
- Topic IV - Round Table Discussion: "Public Participation in Water Resources Management at the Local, National and Regional Levels"
- Topic V - Lake Sarez: A Fail Up Model of the Lake, presented by: A. I. Tuchin, SIC ICWC