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Accounting principles. Theory and practice. August 2-12, 2004, Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
This report follows a successful completion of the ICWC Water Resources Management Training Centre's Workshop on "Accounting principles. Theory and Practice" that was held from August 2 to 12, 2004 in the ICWC Training Centre in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
After break-up of the Soviet Union, former soviet republics began transition to open-market economy. At present, need for economic cooperation with other states of the world stipulates common units of measures. Accounting system of the republics is also one of the subjects, which should be integrated into the international system.
In Central Asia, nowadays there are many ongoing projects oriented at water or ecology, which are funded by international donor organizations or foreign governmental agencies. Majority of the investors require financial statements in internationally recognized forms. Proceeding from this, it was considered expedient to start the process familiarizing local Central Asian professional accountants with principles of and approaches to accounting adopted in international practice on the basis of knowledge potential of Mount Royal College.