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Integrated Water Resources Management Workshop 4 - February 19 - March 1, 2001 |
The forth workshop "Integrated Water Resources Management" took place at the ICWC Training Centre, which is located at the Central Office of the BWO "Syrdarya".
The opening of the workshop was held on Monday, February 19, 2001; this was then followed by 10 days of workshop activities. The closing of the workshop was held on Thursday, March 1, 2001; each of the workshop participants received a certificate of training at this time.
Workshop was aimed to train the middle level workers of the water resources departments of the Central Asian Republics on "Integrated water resources management". The workshop participants included representatives from each of the five Central Asian Republics, together with members of the SIC ICWC.
The part of the workshop costs were covered by the Natural Resources Management Project financed by USAID.
Workshop Activities
Between February 19 and March 1, 2001, the workshop participants attended lectures on the topic of the integrated water resources management, and according to the agreed list of topics took an active part in the discussions of the regional and national water management problems, made attempts to develop practical recommendations on rational water use and protection and improvement of institutional forms of the water management at different levels, on the basis of developed methods, forms and directions of ongoing reforms in the water management system.
The workshop moderators were: A.A.Jalalov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Republic of Uzbekistan; Prof. N.K.Kipshakbaev, Director of the Kazakh branch of SIC ICWC and M.M.Sarkisov, former Director of Turkmengiprovodkhoz, Turkmenistan. The trainees were given the workshop agenda and copies of papers to review and prepare questions for further discussions after lectures. Lectures were presented in the form of main text with use of visual aids based on the modern equipment and technologies. The video materials were used on various aspects of the water management in the world and the Aral Sea Basin, implementation of WARMAP, WUFMAS and GEF Projects. The workshop participants were trained to work with computers, they prepared their own presentations.
The participants noted that the workshop topics included a wide range of the issues of water resources management, efficient water use in various sectors of economy, particularly, in irrigated agriculture. The trainees emphasized the historical and geographical unity of Central Asian States, united by common rivers – the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers of the Aral Sea Basin. They said about the necessity to develop regional cooperation, and gave a positive assessment to the measures taken in the region aimed at development of cooperation between regional organizations.
The trainees expressed their great concern about financing of water management systems, which can lead to the risk of losing their capital assets in the short term. It was also mentioned that at present the regional agencies do not have the rights sufficient for their successful activity.
The workshop participants developed the recommendations and suggestions to be used in planning and taking measures aimed at sustainable activity of the water management system