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Kick-Off Meeting on the Initiative of the Global Water Partnership |
On May 15-17, 2001, the Kick-Off Meeting on the activities initiated by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) took place in the ICWC Training Center.
The Global Water Partnership was established in 1996 to promote a holistic approach to water resources management. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experience and the practice of integrated water resources management.
Through a worldwide network of partners, GWP identifies critical knowledge needs at both global and regional levels, helps design program for meeting these needs, and serves as a marketplace for providers and financiers of the required knowledge services.
The Kick-Off Meeting was the only beginning of the GWP initiative in the Central Asia and Caucasus region. In the Meeting the following GWP representatives took part:
- Mr. Khalid Mohtadullah, Executive Secretary of the Global Water Partnership;
- Mr. Torkil Jonch-Clausen, Chairman of the GWP Technical Advisory Committee;
- Mr. Henrik Larsen, Member of the GWP Technical Advisory Committee.
In the Meeting the representatives of 5 Central Asian and 3 Caucasian states took part. The main goals of the meeting were the following:
- present the meeting participants the information about GWP activities in the world and introduce GWP initiative for Central Asia and Caucasus;
- discuss the situation in the region in the water sector, principal problems and opportunities to develop the integrated water management at the regional and national level;
- discuss the possible directions of GWP activities in the region;
- discuss preparation of the Meeting of Stakeholders in autumn, 2001.
During the meetings the GWP representatives and other meeting participants made their presentations and took part in the discussions. They agreed on the necessity of the GWP activities in the region and discussed the plan of further activities.
It was decided that the Meeting of Stakeholders, where 75 representatives of Central Asian and Caucasian countries will take part, will take place at the end of October, 2001.