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International and National Water Law and Policy Workshop - 3 |
Moderators of the seminar were Prof., Patricia Wouters - Director of the International Water Law Research Institute, University of Dundee, Prof., Sergei Vinogradov and Mr. Melvin Woodhouse - University of Dundee, Dr. Taras Kalinichenko - Institute of State Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. N. K. Kipshakbaev - Director of the Kazakh Branch of the SIC ICWC, A. A. Djailoobaev - Director of the Kyrgyz Branch of the SIC ICWC, A. Berdyev - expert from the Executive Committee of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS).

According to the earlier approved program they got acquainted with a course of lectures and conducted active discussions related to international, regional and national aspects of water legislation where emphasis was given to theory and international practice of developing international legal pacts and national laws, negotiation skills and dispute settlements. As a result, participants developed practical recommendations to improve cooperation in the field of water resources management on the various levels.
In the opening session of the seminar participated and speak out addressing the trainees with comprehensive statements concerning the subject matter of discussions - ambassador of the UK in Uzbekistan, Mr. Christopher Ingham, First deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Abdurakhim Djalalov, and Head of the GEF Agency Project in Central Asia, Mr. Rim Giniyatullin.