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Prospects and abilities of introduction of IWRM principles February 16-19, 2004, Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
From 16 to 19 February 2004, the workshop on "Integrated Water Resources Management" was held in the Training Centre of ICWC. The workshop participants listened and discussed submitted materials and in practiced new versions of development of the water balance.
After 2 years of the launching of IWRM-Ferghana project, the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has paid curious attention to implementation of principles of IWRM.
Particularly post-Province and District Water Management Authorities were transformed into Basin authorities of Irrigation systems. The administrative territorial basis was changed into basin principle. Changes in water management stipulate to train water specialist of water management to basic conceptions of water resources management based on the basin principle. To approach to deal with the new content of water user is needed. This workshop gathered representatives of water management organizations and scientific research institutes. The transition to IWRM principles was begun earlier then in another parts of the republic. Thus, representatives of Basin Authorities of Irrigation Systems of the upstream shared their experience in that direction gathered in transition period.