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Workshop 6 - Transboundary Waters: Strategies for Improvement of Regional Cooperation - April 19-26, 2001 |
The sixth workshop "Transboundary Waters: Strategies for Improvement of Regional Cooperation" took place at the ICWC Training Centre.
The opening of the workshop was held on Thursday, April 19, 2001; this was then followed by 7 days of workshop activities. The closing of the workshop was held on Thursday, April 26, 2001; each of the workshop participants received a certificate of training at this time.
The workshop participants included representatives of regional organizations (EC-IFAS, Sustainable Development Commission), heads and deputy heads of oblast water offices and river basin authorities, employees of the Committees for Environmental Conservation, energy and water management authorities from the five Central Asian States.
The part of the workshop costs were covered by the Natural Resources Management Project financed by USAID.
Workshop Activities
On April 19-26, 2001, the workshop participants attended lectures on the topic of the transboundary water resources management, and according to the agreed list of topics took an active part in the discussions of the regional and national problems in the field of water management, energy and environmental conservation. The participants developed practical recommendations on rational water and energy resources use, environmental conservation, improvement of institutional forms of the water and energy management at different levels, on the basis of developed methods, forms and directions of ongoing economic reforms.
The workshop moderators were: A.A.Jalalov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Republic of Uzbekistan; Prof. N.K.Kipshakbaev, Director of the Kazakh branch of SIC ICWC and M.M.Sarkisov, former Director of Turkmengiprovodkhoz, Turkmenistan; A.M.Ramazanov, Chairman of the Committee for Water Resources, Republic of Kazakhstan; U.S.Saparov, EC-IFAS Technical Director. The lectures were also read by I.D.Ametov, Chief Dispatcher of the UDC "Energy"; A.G.Zyryanov, Head of Kyrgyzenergo Service, Kyrgyz Republic; G.N.Petrov, Advisor of the Ministry of Power Generation.
The trainees were given the workshop agenda and copies of papers to review and prepare questions for further discussions after lectures. Lectures were presented in the form of main text with use of visual aids based on the modern equipment and technologies. The video materials were used on various aspects of the water management in the world and the Aral Sea Basin, implementation of WARMAP, WUFMAS and GEF Projects.
The participants noted that the workshop topics included a wide range of the issues of water resources management, efficient water and energy use with regard to the environmental conservation. The trainees emphasized the necessity to develop regional cooperation, observe the limits of transboundary water use, coordinated operational schedules of storage reservoirs, taking into account the requirements of the rational use of water and energy resources, environmental conservation and observance of compensation agreements.
The workshop participants developed the recommendations and suggestions to be used in planning and taking measures aimed at sustainable activity of the water and energy management system